Breast tumor symptoms.


Breast tumor symptoms.

Breast tumor symptoms.
Breast tumor symptoms.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 15 thousand people are affected by breast cancer in Bangladesh every year. More than 98 percent of them are women, but a very small number of men also get breast cancer.

The primary stage of breast cancer is breast tumor or breast tumor. So caution is very important at this stage. One of the reasons why breast cancer deaths are higher in Bangladesh compared to other countries, is not taking proper action in the early stages. As a result, in the absence of proper treatment, the breast tumor later turns into breast cancer.

What is a breast tumor?

Like other organs in the human body, cells also have a normal growth process. But sometimes some breast cells start to grow abnormally. This abnormal and uncontrolled cell division eventually results in lumps or wheels of flesh. This lump or lump is a breast tumor.

Early signs

The most common symptom of a breast tumor is feeling like a hard lump. That is, the patient himself will feel an unusual firmness in the breast.

1. Abnormalities in nipples. Such as blackening, hardening or penetration.

2. Itching of the skin of the specific area of ​​the breast or change of color of the skin of the specific area of ​​the breast.

3. Apart from this, the symptoms may vary in different patients. Such as breast pain, sore nipples, excessive itching etc.

According to National Cancer Research Institute research, breast cancer is usually the last stage of cancer for which women in the country seek treatment.

In most cases, the doctor has almost no options. So, if any of the symptoms listed above appear, you should see a specialist right away.

Professor Dr. Md. Setabur Rahman is the Head of Department of Surgical Oncology at Holy Family Hospital in Dhaka.


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